+386 40 754235

InteliDoc Elite

Drugi naslov v clanku

Tekst ki opisuje clanek


Tretji naslov

In še malo teksta za nameček

Some of the main features:

  • Document management
  • Project management
  • Case management
  • Imaging
  • Standard Mail Processing
  • Client Management - CRM
  • Email Archiving
  • Company Calendar
  • Invoicing
  • Service Tracking
  • Reporting And Analytics
  • Email Server


Key Advantages of InteliDoc

All in one system

Due to flexibility, all departments within the company will be using one system for knowledge sharing. The involvement of different departments can significantly improve communication and performance of the company. Projects, documents, tasks, invoices, services, everything will be properly stored and shared between your coworkers.


The system has built-in security mechanisms, so information will be safely hidden from unauthorized access.


InteliDoc is made very flexible. It may be set for use in various industries (distribution, manufacturing, financial services, service industries, marine and transport, legal offices, public services, marketing, sales, …). In all these activities we have implementations in production use.


InteliDoc is made reliable and secure in the way that it works without interruption for years. Customers use it for over 7 years without a single interruption.


A system for document management and knowledge should have a longer life. InteliDoc system is being developed with an eye to continuity over a long period of use. In this way when the system is upgraded to newer versions, the work is not disrupted and financial resources are not consumed on an adaptation of the environment.

Financially advantageous

The system requires almost no maintenance. Support that the user needs in terms of education and counseling is minimal.


You can start using InteliDoc after a very short introduction.


The system has modules for integration with external systems. InteliDoc can connect to relational databases such as MS SQL, Oracle, IBM DB2, MySQL and others.


If the customer chooses to implement specifics of its business in InteliDoc system is possible to extend InteliDoc with additional modules. For example we developed modules to support Factoring, Compensations, Legal office, Shipping transport and others.

Evolving system

InteliDoc is constantly evolving. From the good practices of the users we develop new functionality and solutions that are then available to other users of the system.


Contact Us

Please contact us about our products or services.

Our Address

Vojkovo nabrezje 30a, Koper, Slovenia

Email Us

Call Us

+386 40 754235
